Braiding New Worlds Fund
In celebration of PDF’s 40th anniversary, PDF established the youth-focused Braiding New Worlds Fund. Grants ranging from $3,000 to $6,500 were given to youth-led and youth-oriented organizations around the country. The Braiding New World Fund’s committee members were young people aged 18 to 25 years old. Each brought an important perspective and knowledge of youth activism and organizing to the process. PDF is excited to make this fund an ongoing part of our grant portfolio.

FY 2024 Grantees:
- Amy Jaques Garvey Institute; Washington, D.C.
- Another Choice Youth and Family Outreach; New York, NY
- GYPSY Ayiti; Port-au-Prince, Haiti
- Maison Familiale Rural de Bassin-Zim; Hinche, Haiti
- Observatorio de Juventudes Unidas por la Paz; Coyoacán, Mexico
- People of the Confluence; Lynnwood, WA
- PHENOM; Worcester, MA
- Student Basic Needs Coalition; Knoxville, TN
*Indicates previous year grantee
Past Grantees:
Queer-Trans Project (Atlantic Beach, FL)
The Queer-Trans Project is on a mission to provide gender-empowering resources to LGBTQ+ minorites so that they have the power to create social change in their communities. Black/trans-led organization on a mission to provide gender-empowering resources to LGBTQ+ minorities, so they have the power to create social change
New Britain Racial Justice Coalition (New Britain, CT)
The New Britain Racial Justice Coalition (NBRJC) is a grassroots organization based in New Britain, Connecticut. Our membership is comprised of everyday, working-class people who want to organize for racial and economic justice.
The Focus Center (Chesapeake, VA)
We are working for a neighborhood where everyone belongs at the table and is invited to bring their contribution. The neighborhood will not overcome its various challenges by one person or organization alone- we need each other. This means that change is not only up to the professionals (city and church leaders) but that each of us has a role to play. Everything we do is to position neighbors to serve neighbors.
Maine Youth Power (Swanville, ME)
Maine Youth Power is building equitable and accessible movement infrastructure for rural & suburban youth. We connect young people across identity and geography in a supportive community to develop organizing skills, run campaigns, and become a powerful force in Maine politics.
Tucson Youth and Peace (Tucson, AZ)
The Tucson Youth and Peace (TYP) Youth Team organizes and promotes a series of monthly workshops with a unique theme each month, for example, Women’s History Month in March, Sexual Assault Awareness Month during April, Mental Health Awareness in May. The Youth Team dedicates the first half of the year to important events likes these, while focusing the second half of the year on organizing the Annual Youth and Peace Conference.
People of the Confluence (Bothell, WA)
Honoring the traditions and knowledge of our Ancestors, People of the Confluence works primarily in Indigenous communities to rebuild the connection between our Youth and our Elders to teach youth how to be good human beings, to walk softly on Mother Earth and to be the most effective protectors the Water, Air, Earth and Spirit.
Queer Youth Assemble (Old Saybrook, CT)
Queer Youth Assemble is a youth-led non-profit organization dedicated to the success and wellbeing of queer youth across the United States and territories. QYA founders started Let Trans Athletes Play (LTAP), a program that hosts sporting events, games and other child-friendly activities for the public with the goal of opposing the anti-trans bills circulating the country and creating community and solidarity. The first LTAP drew approximately 100 attendees and received press coverage from The Boston Globe.