Seeding the Movement Fund
Established in 1981 The Seeding the Movement Fund continues PDF’s long-standing support for grassroots organizations around the nation, organizing for social justice. All grants are general operating support, allowing the groups flexibility and the ability to use the funds where they are needed most. The fund was renamed this year to better reflect our work and is our main grant program.
Below are our STMF highlights from our 2023 Annual Report

The Peace Development Fund is thrilled to announce our latest grants—we’re supporting 19 organizations in every region of the US and Haiti and Mexico through the Seeding the Movement Fund. Seeding the Movement Fund grants support grassroots organizing led by people from their communities. Several of the grants are renewals, reflecting our commitment to investing in the ongoing work of transformative grassroots organizing. This is important to ensure the success and sustainability of start-up organizations.
Organizing for justice involves a myriad of issues with the recognition that oppression is interconnected. This year’s grantees are organizing around environmental issues, economic inequity and labor rights, racial justice and Indigenous rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and women’s issues. They are on the frontlines of change in this country.
2024 Seeding the Movement Fund Grant Recipients:
- Education Council Consortium Inc., New York City, NY
- Hollister Guardians Hollister, CA
- Latinos Activate Selma, NC
- Muslim Counterpublics Lab, Washington, DC
- Best Practices Policy Project, Morristown, NJ*
- Black Lives Matter (BLM 5280), Denver, CO
- Denver Metro Tenants Union, Denver, CO
- Fundacion Biosfera del Anahuac A.C., Jiutepec, MX
- Global Center for Climate Justice, Boston, MA
- Ho,opae Pono Peace Project, Honolulu, HI
- Interfaith Coalition for Action, Reconciliation and Empowerment, Jacksonville, FL
- Mississippi Rising, Ocean Springs, MS
- Marijan, Port-au-Prince, Haiti*
- Return Strong, Las Vegas, NV
- Rio Grande Valley Harm Reduction, Edinburg, TX
- SICARS, Sapelo Island, GA
- UE Research and Education Fund Southern Worker Justice Campaign, Raleigh, NC
- Washington Fair Trade Education Coalition, Seattle, WA*
- Wisdom Institute, Detroit, MI
* Indicates past PDF grantee
The Peace Development Fund’s mission is to build the capacity of community-based organizations through grants, training, and other resources as partners in human rights and social justice movements.