Fiscal Sponsorship Program

PDF’s Fiscal Sponsorship Program provides administrative infrastructure and extends the legal framework of fiscal sponsorship to grassroots groups and projects so they can carry out their work without the burden of managing donations and other tax-exempt requirements.

PDF provides fiscal sponsorship to a diverse range of projects and groups as part of our mission to build the capacity of community-based organizations fostering a more peaceful, just and equitable world. We regard our 40+ fiscally sponsored projects as partners in human rights and social justice movements and our decades of experience in social justice philanthropy makes us an optimal “home” to support budding projects or groups.

Read our Fiscal Sponsorship Program Handbook and learn how to apply to the Fiscal Sponsorship Program.

For future and current sponsees, use the button below to submit fee payments.

For questions about the Fiscal Sponsorship program, email Jessa McCormack at jessa[at]

Apply for fiscal sponsorship, click here!

To read more about our fiscally sponsored projects or to make a gift in support of their work, click on the links below:

What We Offer:

Administrative support to help your project focus on its mission. PDF will handle all incoming donations, send your organization a monthly donation report, and issue tax receipts to your donors per IRS individual income tax and 501(c)(3) laws and regulations.

Our Fiscal Sponsorship Program is a grantor-grantee relationship model, commonly known as Model C. In this model, the group or project has its own legal, tax and accounting identity, subject to various state and federal laws.

Coaching from PDF staff, including quarterly webinars, fundraising consultation, project development and nonprofit acumen.

Ability to participate in PDF’s Sustainability Project, a three-year capacity building program to help organizations improve their fund-raising capacity, board development and financial management.

All fiscal sponsorship projects take the lead to raise their own funds, manage their own programs and operate in a tax-exempt manner, under the legal and management structure of PDF.

Benefits of fiscal sponsorship

  • A project can receive tax deductible donations from individuals, and apply for and receive public and private foundation grants.
  • A project that is just beginning can “incubate” and expand while a short-term project can receive tax-deductible donations, achieve its goal and disband.
  • Better fund-raising opportunities because of PDF’s experience and reputation, enabling a project to raise funds and track donors more effectively.
  • A project can build its donor base before applying for its own 501(c)(3).
  • Low administration and annual fees.
  • Project is included on PDF’s website with the option to link to a grantee’s own information page and ability to receive on-line donations.
  • PDF staff, with more than three decades of experience in the nonprofit sector, can offer project advice and guidance as the project develops.
  • Fewer start-up costs because the project is not required to incorporate (it can remain an unincorporated association) or acquire its own 501(c)(3) status.
  • All donors are issued thank you receipts per IRS individual income tax and 501(c)(3) laws and regulations (grantees are also encouraged to send thank you letters).
  • Monthly reports provided to project listing details of all donations received with monthly issuing of grant disbursements when project balance is more than $500, or as requested by the project.
  • Project’s donations and grants are included in PDF’s federal 990 annual filing.

Interested in applying? Here’s what you need to know:

How to apply

PDF’s Fiscal Sponsorship Program supports a diverse range of community-based and grassroots groups and projects.

Please read our Fiscal Sponsorship Program Handbook carefully.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and only through our online application portal. PDF is only able to accept applications in English.

Geographic scope

PDF accepts applications from projects seeking fiscal sponsorship that are based anywhere in the United States and its territories. These projects may carry out work that is local, statewide, regional or international in scope.


PDF’s current fee for fiscal sponsorship administration is 7.5 percent of all monetary donations received on behalf of the project and an annual $105 fee to maintain a project’s fiscal sponsorship status. at the time of application, PDF requires a one-time, non-refundable $250 application fee, which covers the $105 annual fee for the remainder of the first fiscal year.

Fees can be submitted here or mailed as a check to 44 North Prospect St. Amherst Ma 01004

Get Started:

To start your application, click here

Please Note: PDF’s fiscal sponsorship grant application is designed to cover a wide range of organizations. Some organizations may not be able to answer or may not have answers for all questions. Please fill it out to the best of your ability. If necessary, PDF will follow-up for any questions that your application raises.

Reporting information:

All grantees are required to submit an annual written report describing the manner in which the funds have been spent and the progress made in accomplishing the purposes of the grant. Organizations with overdue final reports are ineligible for future funding consideration until the report is submitted.

Report Due Dates – July 31st each year.

Languages Accepted – PDF only accepts reports in English.

Grant report forms

Fiscal sponsorship grantees should access the report form from their account here.

Fiscal Sponsorship Program Handbook

Sample Budget