2020 & 2021 De Colores Grant Recipients:

Brooklyn Ghost Project – Brooklyn, New York

The G.H.O.S.T. Project is a nonprofit organization in Brooklyn, New York geared towards providing both support and empowerment to members of the transgender community who are either struggling with or have overcome gender identity-related issues.

Chainless Change, Inc – Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Mission: We are a community of recovery, advocacy, and support for those who are justice involved.

Chelsea Greenroots – Chelsea, Massachusetts

Mission: GreenRoots works to achieve environmental justice and greater quality of life through collective action, unity, education and youth leadership across neighborhoods and communities. GreenRoots is a community-based organization dedicated to improving and enhancing the urban environment and public health in Chelsea and surrounding communities. We do so through deep community engagement and empowerment, youth leadership and implementation of innovative projects and campaigns.

Decarcerate, Inc. – Little Rock, Arkansas

Mission: Decarcerate works to affirm human dignity by confronting unjust systems. We envision a world where equity, healing, and reconciliation replace systems of punishment and oppression.

Disabled Rights Action Committee – Salt Lake City, Utah

Mission: The Disabled Rights Action Committee (DRAC) was organized in 1993 as a grassroots organization of activists who fight for the civil rights of people with disabilities in the state of Utah. DRAC is run by people with disabilities, for people with disabilities. This passionate group works to establish equal rights for people with disabilities through enforcement of federal and state laws. DRAC advocates for legislative action and other measures to improve these rights, with an emphasis on fair housing, accessible transportation, and community-based care.

Education Justice Alliance – Raleigh, North Carolina

Mission: The Education Justice Alliance (EJA) works for an educational system that is effective, equitable, and inclusive. We promote racial, socio-economic, and gender equity. We seek to decrease unfair suspensions and expulsions and to improve positive approaches to discipline that meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students.

Fund for Empowerment – Phoenix, Arizona

Mission: Our mission is to build community resources for oppressed and marginalized people, via direct services, capacity-building training, and project support.

Future Economy Collective – Virginia Beach, Virginia

Mission: The Future Economy Collective is a fully volunteer and community-led organization dedicated to creating collaborative spaces that support skill-sharing, advocating the arts, maintaining a minimal environmental impact, strengthening community ties, & collective liberation.

Gente Organizada – Pomona, California

Mission: Gente Organizada (Gente) is a youth-led social justice nonprofit organization with a mission to bring together generations to access, build, and wield their collective power. Our goal is to achieve educational, economic, and social justice in our community, particularly for immigrant families who face prejudice and classism every day.

InterAction Initiative Inc. – Chicago, IL

Mission: InterAction is an intersectional racial justice organization led by and for Young Black, Indigenous, People of Color. We activate and advance Young BIPOC and their counter-narratives to build more inclusive, just, and equitable communities.

Justice for Housing, Inc. – Boston, MA

Mission: We are formerly incarcerated, advocates and community allies with aligned spirit and goals. We operate from a people-led process to organize for the abolishment of discriminatory federal, state, and local housing policies. We address the root causes of recidivism in correlation to homelessness; delivering holistic and community-based solutions.

Movement for Justice in El Barrio – New York, New York

Mission: Movement for Justice in El Barrio is a majority-women community organization that fights for housing justice, immigrant justice and gender justice and, following our unique model, consistently challenges multiple forms of oppression, including xenophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, and homophobia in all of our campaigns in East Harlem, NYC.

Northern Youth Project – Abiquiu, New Mexico

Northern Youth Project works to better the outcomes and opportunities for rural Northern New Mexico youth through hands-on art, agriculture, community service, and leadership projects that honor the past and look to the future.

One Montgomery – Bethesda, Maryland

Mission: One Montgomery is a grassroots advocacy group committed to ensuring excellence and equity for all students in Montgomery County Public Schools. The six principles that guide our advocacy are Equity, Leadership, Access, Diversity, Community, and Partnership.

Out in the Open – Brattleboro, Vermont

Mission: Out in the Open connects rural LGBTQ people ​to build community, visibility, ​knowledge, and power. We envision a resilient community of communities that works toward the transformation of our economic, social, and political relationships. We are building a multi-issue social justice movement of rural LGBTQ people.

PVUSD Students Deserve – Watsonville, CA

Mission: As a coalition of current and former PVUSD students, our goal continues to be advocating for students from underrepresented backgrounds. We fight for students through an abolitionist framework and believe in the abolition of all educational practices that seek to criminalize and further harm to our youth.

Raise Your Hand – Chicago, Illinois

Mission: Raise Your Hand for Illinois Public Education engages, informs, and empowers parents to protect and strengthen public education for all children in Chicago and Illinois, eliminate inequities in public schools, and work at the grassroots for the public good that is public education.


Mission: Trasnational Villages Network/Red de Pueblos Trasnacionales (RPT) is a grassroots network of indigenous and rural immigrant groups living in New York City working to advance cultural, social and economic inclusion, recognition and rights. We envision cities where all communities are welcome, included and represented at all levels and with access to all rights, regardless of class, gender, ethnicity or immigration status.

Symbiosis PDX – Portland, Oregon

Mission: Symbiosis PDX is a local chapter in a confederation of community initiatives. We are an all-volunteeer, nonhierarchical coalition of local grassroots community groups seeking to be rooted in social justice, ecology and a cooperative economy and organizing around housing justice, food sovereignty and mutual aid and working towards a solidarity economy. Symbiosis PDX uses direct democracy, popular education and asset-based community development models.

Texas Prisons Air Conditioning Advocates – Longview, Texas

Mission: Texas Prisons Community Advocates (TPCA) educates and supports family members, incarcerated individuals and others by connecting them to organizational resources, encouraging awareness, and advocacy for the advancement of humane conditions within the Texas Prisons.

The People’s Press Project – Moorhead, Minnesota

Mission: The People’s Press Project (PPP) was created in 2010 and the organization focuses on community-based media training and leadership development for disenfranchised communities. The Mission of PPP is Media Justice. PPP organizes the community to impart media, rather than being consumers of media through training, access to equipment, and opportunities to develop media through Independent news sources, Social Networks, and the web.

United Taxi Workers of San Diego – San Diego, California

Mission: The mission of UTWSD is to unify taxicab workers, to improve working conditions through direct advocacy and empowerment, to increase education and civic participation by taxi drivers and their families, and to improve professional transportation services for the San Diego area.

Who Speaks for Me? – Washington, D.C.

Mission: Who Speaks for Me? uses its platform to raise awareness about the intersections of trauma and the rise in incarceration rates in the USA among Women, Girls and LGBTQ POC. Our programming is multilayered—centering the stories of those with lived experience—to heal from, interrupt and dismantle the the Trauma-to-Prison Pipeline.