Community Organizing Application Questions

Community Organizing Grant Application
This sheet is a slightly consolidated summary of our Community Organizing Grant Application. This IS
NOT the actual application. To apply, please visit this page. You can also go to and click “Community Organizing Grants” for more information,
including eligibility requirements and to find the application link.

The first section is an eligibility quiz. Your answers will confirm that your organization falls within our

The second section will be contact information.

Section three is organizational information. You will be asked to provide:

  • Fiscal Sponsorship information (if you have one), if you are a 501 (c)3, or other
  • Your organization’s EIN, not that of your fiscal sponsor. If your organization does not have an
    EIN distinct from your fiscal sponsor’s, please enter “N/A”.
  • Organization mailing address, phone, email, webpage/ social media page
  • Year your organization was founded
  • Total Organizational Budget (current year projected income)
  • How did you find out about this grant opportunity
  • Mission Statement (60 words)
  • Primary program area(s) of your organization’s work
  • Geographical area served
  • Board and Staff Demographics (optional but encouraged)
  • Organization history (Why/how you were founded, by whom, and your past accomplishments)(300 words)

Section four is the most in depth section, the request information.

  • Request amount (max $7,500)
  • Request: If you are applying for General Support Funds, please describe your programs,
    especially your community organizing work and your goals for this year (200 words)
  • Population served
  • Constituency and Needs statement: Describe the opportunity, challenge, issue or need that
    your organization works to address? For whom? (Including demographics such as socioeconomic
    status, race, ethnicity, gender, age, ect.) Why is your community organizing work needed? (400 words)
  • Organizational Leadership: How are the people most directly impacted by your organizing
    issues involved in your leadership? Please describe what goals, if any, your organization has
    developed around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). How do you track the progress of these
    goals? (300 words)
  • Collaboration and Movement Building: Please tell us about other
    organizations/networks/funders with whom you collaborate with to advance your mission.
    Please also describe how you approach movement-building. (300 words)
  • Analysis and Vision: What do you see as the root cause(s) to the problem(s) you are organizing
    to address? What is your long-term vision for change and how does your work get you closer to
    that vision? (300 words)

The last section is attachments. Please note you have to press save after each upload!

  • Planned budget for current fiscal year: If your request is for project support, include a project
    budget AND organizational budget. Include the dates of your fiscal year and pending funding
    requests. If you budget using the calendar year, please provide a 2024 budget. Feel free to use
    the budget/financial statement template accessible at the link at the top right of this page.
  • List of Organizational Leadership: Board of Directors or other coordinating body of your
    organization, with affiliations and short descriptions for each member.
  • 501(c)(3) determination letter or EIN letter (if not registered as a 501c3).
  • Fiscal Sponsorship Information (if you have one): Mission statement and contact information for
    your fiscal sponsor
  • Fiscal Sponsor’s 501(c)(3) or other IRS determination letter
  • Contract/agreement with fiscal sponsor
  • If your organization is located outside of the U.S., please attach a completed Non-profit
    Equivalency Form