From the Director


Our FY’22 Annual Report shines a bright light on the work of our partners, friends, and colleagues in the social justice movement and our work this last fiscal year.   

Our four program platforms and our partners in this work are illustrated and celebrated here, honoring PDF by allowing us to help them, travel with them, to be in the fight with them in these tumultuous and dangerous times.  We share here- grantees, funders, donors, and programs representing hundreds of people from around the country who dream big and fight for more peaceful and equitable communities.   

Our impact was broad: 

We granted more than $6.1 million through 329 grants to 142 organizations. 

We celebrated our 40th anniversary by creating the Braiding New Worlds Fund.  Youth committee members granted $40,000 to seven grantees—all youth-led organizations

We welcomed four new organizations to our Philanthropic Partner program, providing crucial capacity-building support to now 46 fiscally-sponsored organizations.  More than $5.1 million was mobilized. 

Our National Docket, ‘Seeding the Movements Fund’, awarded $100,000 to 27 community-based organizations around the country working on a variety of issues including racial justice, criminal justice reform, Indigenous rights, economic justice, and gender justice.  Working in partnership with those grantees, our Grassroots Funding Week crowd funding program added an additional $28,000 to their grants. 

Our Donor Directed grantmaking donors granted more than $1.1 million in 96 grants ranging from $500 to$50,000 to a variety of aligned organizations.  

Peace Development Fund continues to water the grassroots movement through vital resources for start-ups and small organizations organizing in their communities for a better future.  They give us hope and remind us that “we shall overcome!” 

Our team is making big plans for 2023.  We invite you to deepen your connection and invite others to share your vision for our shared future. 

Please make a gift to support our work today!  I hope to see you at an upcoming Peace Talk! 

In peace, 

Paul Haible 

Executive Director 

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